Raynal: Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes

Guillaume-Thomas Raynal: Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens & du commerce des européens dans les deux Indes. (Amsterdam 1770)

Guillaume-Thomas Raynal: Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens & du commerce des européens dans les deux Indes. (La Haye: Gosse fils 1774)

Guillaume Thomas Raynal: Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes. (Genève: J.-L. Pellet 1780)

Guillaume-Thomas Raynal: Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des européens dans les deux Indes. (Genève: 1781)

English translations:
[Guillaume Thomas Raynal/J. O. Obadiah (tr.):] A philsophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Tr. from the French by J. Justamond. (London, T. Cadell, 1776)

  • Digitized
    • vol. 1
      > HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 2
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan [first page (fly-leaf?) missing, title page is #viii])
    • vol. 3
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 4
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)

[Guillaume-Thomas Raynal/J. O. [John Obadiah] Justamond (tr.):] A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of Europeans in the East and West Indies. Rev. augm., and pub., in ten volumes, by the Abbé Raynal. New tr. from the French, by J. O. Justamond, F.F.S., with a new set of maps adapted to the work, and a copious index. (London: Printed for W. Strahan [etc.] 1783)

  • Digitized
    • vol. 1
      > HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 2
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 3
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 4
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 5
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 6
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 7
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 8
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)

[Guillaume-Thomas Raynal/J. O. [John Obadiah] Justamond (tr.):] A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Revised, augmented and published in ten volumes by the Abbé Raynal. Newly tr. from the French, by J. O. Justamond.  (Dublin: J. Exshaw 1784)

  • Digitized
    • v. 1
      > HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • v. 2
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • v. 3
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • v. 4
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • v. 5
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • v. 6
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)

[Abbé Raynal/J. O. Justamond (tr.):] A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Rev., augm., and pub., in ten volumes, by Abbé Raynal. Newly tr. from the French, by J. O. Justamond, F.R.S. with a new set of maps adapted to the work, and a copious index. In six volumes. ([Second edition] London: A. Strahan; [etc.,etc.] 1798)

  • Digitized
    • vol. 1
      > HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 2
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 3
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 4
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 5
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 6
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)

Guillaume-Thomas Raynal: Philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. By the Abbe Raynal. With a new set of maps … and a copious index. (Edinburgh: Mundell & son, 1804)

  • Digitized
    • vol. 1
      > HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 2
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 3
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 4
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 5
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    • vol. 6
      HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)

German excerpt:
[Abbé Raynal/Franz Christian Lorenz Karsten (tr./ed.):] Europens Handel mit beyden Indien. Ein Auszug aus Raynals Geschichte (Rostock, J. C. Koppe 1780)

German translations:
Guillaume Thomas François Raynal: Philosophische und politische Geschichte der Besitzungen und Handlung der Europäer in beyden Indien: Nach der neuesten Ausgabe übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen. (Kempten: Verlag der Typographische Gesellschaft 1783-)

  • Digitized
    • vol. 1 (1783)
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 2 (1784)
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 3 (1785)
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 4
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 5
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 6
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 7
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 8
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 9
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)
    • vol. 10
      > Google Books (original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)

Dutch version:
Guillaume Thomas François Raynal: Wysgeerige en staatkundige geschiedenis van de bezittingen en den koophandel der Europeaanen, in de beide Indiën. (Amsterdam: Matthijs Schalekamp 1774-1803)

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Eine Antwort zu Raynal: Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes

  1. Cher Monsieur,

    j’ai le plaisir de vous communiquer la liste mise à jour des éditions de l’Histoire des deux Indes de Raynal enfin disponible sur:


    Cordiales salutations.

    Gilles Bancarel


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