Mayers: The Chinese government. A manual of Chinese titles, categorically arranged and explained, with an appendix

William Frederick Mayers: The Chinese government. A Manual of Chinese Titles, categorically arranged and explained, with an Appendix. (Shanghai [et al.]: American Presbyterian Mission Press 1878)

William Frederick Mayers/George M. H. Playfair:  The Chinese government : a manual of Chinese titles, categorically arranged and explained, with an appendix / by Wiliam Frederick Mayers, Chinese secretary to Her Britannic Majesty’s legation at Peking … Second edition with additions by G. M. H. Playfair. (Shanghai et al.: Kelly & Walsh [et. al] 1886)

William Frederick Mayers[/G. M. H. [George Macdonald Home] Playfair]: The Chinese government. A manual of Chinese titles, categorically arranged and explained, with an appendix. Third edition, revised by G. M. H. Playfair (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh 1897)

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