Johannes Terrentius: Epistolium … ex regno Sinarum …

Johannes Terrentius/Johannes Kepler: R. P. Ioannis Terrentii e Societate Jesv Epistolivm Ex Regno Sinarvm Ad Mathematicos Evropaeos Missvm, Cum Commentatiuncula Joannis Keppleri Mathematici (Sagani Silesiae 1630)

Johann(es) Schreck [Johann Terrenz, Chinese name: 鄧玉函涵璞 1576-1630] was an astronomer and mathematician, who arrived in China in 1621. He translated a number of titles on astronomy, mathematics, and mechanics into Chinese. Among them is the first attempt to present Western mechanical knowledge to a Chinese audience:  Collected Diagrams and Explanations of the Wonderful Machines of the Far West 遠西奇器圖說錄最, published by  Schreck and the Chinese scholar Wang Zheng 王徵 (1571–1644) in 1627. This volume includes translations of works by Italian engineers (e.g. Agostino Ramelli and Vittorio Zonca) and French engineers (e.g. Jacques Besson) and includes a number of plates illustrating European machines in Chinese pictorial style.

Johann Terrenz Schreck: Yuanxi Qiqi Tushuo Luzui 遠西奇器圖說錄最 [Collected Diagrams and Explanations of the Wonderful Machines of the Far West] (Beijing 1627)

On Schreck and his publications: Pfister pp. 153-158 (No. 46 Le P. Jean Terrenz)

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